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foot与feet有什么区别foot与feet的区别feet与foot区别feet和foot的区别日本一道一道的高端料理 高清完整免费最新版:超多精彩好看的新视频等你来看! [最佳答案] 具体指脚时或英尺时的复数,就用feet如How many feet do you have?I have two.He is 6 feet tall.foot:用在短语中或构成一些词:如on foot步行,也可用with feet(但不是步行,而是用脚的意思),但不用with foot的football;footprint脚印如I often go home on foot.Punching with fists and kicking with feet are allowed in taekwondo


[最佳答案] 具体指脚时或英尺时的复数,就用feet如How many feet do you have?I have two.He is 6 feet tall.foot:用在短语中或构成一些词:如on foot步行,也可用with feet(但不是步行,而是用脚的意思),但不用with foot的football;footprint脚印如I often go home on foot.Punching with fists and kicking with feet are allowed in taekwondo



[最佳答案] 和feet的区别是什么?一、表达意思不同1、foot:脚,足;英尺;基础,底部;袜底;音步;有……只脚(的),用……脚(或足的);(刹车或泵)用脚操作的,脚踏的;(巡逻队)步行的,步(兵)的。2、feet:脚(foot的复数形式);尺;韵脚。二、词性不同1、foot:通常在句中既可以作名词,也可以作动词和形容词。2、feet:通常在句中作名词,作为主语或宾语。



[ zui jia da an ] he f e e t de qu bie shi shen me ? yi 、 biao da yi si bu tong 1 、 f o o t : jiao , zu ; ying chi ; ji chu , di bu ; wa di ; yin bu ; you … … zhi jiao ( de ) , yong … … jiao ( huo zu de ) ; ( sha che huo beng ) yong jiao cao zuo de , jiao ta de ; ( xun luo dui ) bu xing de , bu ( bing ) de 。 2 、 f e e t : jiao ( f o o t de fu shu xing shi ) ; chi ; yun jiao 。 er 、 ci xing bu tong 1 、 f o o t : tong chang zai ju zhong ji ke yi zuo ming ci , ye ke yi zuo dong ci he xing rong ci 。 2 、 f e e t : tong chang zai ju zhong zuo ming ci , zuo wei zhu yu huo bin yu 。


[最佳答案] 和foot的区别是:具体指脚时或英尺时的复数,就用feet。Foot是用在短语中或构成一些词。例句是I often go home on foot。feet,英语单词,主要用作为名词,用作名词译为“脚(foot的复数形式);尺;韵脚”。Foot是一个英文单词,主要用作名词、及物动词、不及物动词,形容词,作名词时翻译为“脚;英尺;步调;末尾,人名;(英)富特”,作及物动词


[最佳答案] 具体指脚时或旦橘英尺时的复数,就用feet如How many feet do you have?I have two.He is 6 feet tall.foot:用在短语模纯团中或构成一些词:如on foot步行,也可用with feet(但不是步行,而是用脚的意思),但不用with foot的football;footprint脚印如裤羡I often go home on foot.Punching with fists and kicking with feet are allowed in ta



[最佳答案] 具体指脚时或英尺时的复数,就用feet如How many feet do you have?I have two.He is 6 feet tall.foot:用在短语中或构成一些词:如on foot步行,也可用with feet(但不是步行,而是用脚的意思),但不用with foot的football;footprint脚印如I often go home on foot.Punching with fists and kicking with feet are allowed in taekwondo