diagnostic 翻译,diagnostics是电脑的什么意思

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diagnostic execution servicediagnostics是电脑的什么意思diagnostics是啥意思diagnostics uefidiagnostics什么意思最后把翻译范文当做英语口语朗读材料,疯狂操练,直至脱口而出... The diagnostic process of TCM distinguishes itself by "...
diagnostic 翻译,diagnostics是电脑的什么意思


最后把翻译范文当做英语口语朗读材料,疯狂操练,直至脱口而出 The diagnostic process of TCM distinguishes itself by "

原标题:An Uncommon Great Pretender in Oral Cavity Lesions: The Masson's Tumor马松瘤是一种罕见的良性、非肿瘤性血管病变,

yuan biao ti : A n U n c o m m o n G r e a t P r e t e n d e r i n O r a l C a v i t y L e s i o n s : T h e M a s s o n ' s T u m o r ma song liu shi yi zhong han jian de liang xing 、 fei zhong liu xing xue guan bing bian , . . .


diagnostic and treatment methods, the prognosis for patients with CRLM is still poor, with low survival rates. Accurate employment of

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其主文件清单已经被翻译为包括中文在内的13种语言.6. STARDSTARD(Standards for Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies)致力


本文在原文基础上翻译并添加一些示例及解释,帮助读者更容易理解新版本更新内容.诊断属性(Diagnostic attributes)暂且翻译成


英文版/外文版/翻译版 汽车诊断接口信息安全技术要求及试验方法 diagnostic access unit能够对车辆发起诊断服务的设备、平台或电