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与交谈用英语怎么说交谈英语怎么说通过电话交谈的英文做家务用英语怎么说洗衣服用英语怎么说 [最佳答案] 在电话中交谈用英语怎么说 talk speak类似的都可以,主要还是看你想怎么说,具体情境如何

[最佳答案] 在电话中交谈用英语怎么说 talk speak类似的都可以,主要还是看你想怎么说,具体情境如何


[最佳答案] talk/chat with sb. on the phone.

[ zui jia da an ] t a l k / c h a t w i t h s b . o n t h e p h o n e .


在电话中交谈用英语怎么说? on the phoneie: i am on the phone with joe我和joe在电话中


[最佳答案] “在电话里交谈”用英语怎么说? talk on the phonetalk on the phone ==talk by phone有the,前面就要用on,没有the,就要介词by相同的情况还有;travel / come / go ON the / a motorbike (== by motorbike)


[最佳答案] 在电话里交谈用英语可以说 "Speaking on the phone in English",或者简单说 "Speaking English on the phone"。同时,当你接听电话时你可以说 "Hello?" 或 "Hi, this is [你的名字]" 来接升瞎听电话。在结束通话时,你可以说 "Goodbye"

[最佳答案] talk on the phonetalk on the phone==talk by phone有the,前面就要用on,没有the,就要介词by相同的情况还有;travel / come / go ON the / a motorbike (== by motorbike)

[最佳答案] In telephone conversation