
笔趣喵 论文 322 次浏览 评论已关闭
coveringcovering什么意思coveringscovering lettercoverings是什么意思the county magistrate at that time. Covering 40 thousand square meters and boasting over 280 houses, it became China's first yamen(government office) museum in 1984.内乡县衙始建于元大德八年,即公元1304年,距今已有700多年历史,后几经战火、屡毁屡建,现存建筑大多为光绪二十年后面会介绍。

the county magistrate at that time. Covering 40 thousand square meters and boasting over 280 houses, it became China's first yamen(government office) museum in 1984.内乡县衙始建于元大德八年,即公元1304年,距今已有700多年历史,后几经战火、屡毁屡建,现存建筑大多为光绪二十年后面会介绍。
