compensate for什么意思

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compensate for是什么意思compensate for什么意思ktv最好玩刺激互动游戏_博主:神秘黑料或个性定制?新婚妻子接受卧底任务目前不收费:爱意满溢脸颊泛红!macbookpro日本:被强制解约,平台:触犯了道德底线!s difficult to compensate for a huge loss like this.参考译文:这么大的损失很难弥补.今日作业用 guarantee、revenue、compensate 造...
compensate for什么意思

s difficult to compensate for a huge loss like this.参考译文:这么大的损失很难弥补.今日作业用 guarantee、revenue、compensate 造

法律英语词汇解析compensate for a loss英/ˈkɒmpenseɪt fɔː(r) ə lɒs/ 美/ˈkɑːmpenseɪt fɔːr ə lɔːs/ 赔偿损失indemnify

fa lv ying yu ci hui jie xi c o m p e n s a t e f o r a l o s s ying / ˈ k ɒ m p e n s e ɪ t f ɔ ː ( r ) ə l ɒ s / mei / ˈ k ɑ ː m p e n s e ɪ t f ɔ ː r ə l ɔ ː s / pei chang sun shi i n d e m n i f y . . .

its returns well compensate for the sacrifices 这个选项是对第一句的完美替换; its returns well compensate for the

Nothing will ever compensate for his lost childhood. 什么也不能弥补他失去的童年.Haaning said in an interview on Tuesday that the

compensate for the loss, I promise to …Let's make it another time. How about …?It is my mistake to … and I would try my best to …请

compensate for the reduced pensions. D. increase the families' investment risk.核心词汇①fluctuation[ˌflʌktʃuˈeɪʃn]点击下方空

今天我们要学一个词组:Compensate for. Compensate的意思是由于损失或者伤害而获得的弥补、补偿,后面的介词是for.它最初起


假装The coupon cannot compensate for your time and energy.一张优惠券不足以弥补你的时间和精力.We cannot pretend that nothing

抵消compensate for 赔偿;补偿损失compensate for your loss 赔偿你们的损失 【派生词】compensation [ˌkɒmpenˈseɪʃ(ə)n]n.补偿


1今日长难句For example,these tests do not compensate for gross social inequality,and thus do not tell how able an underprivileged