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disillusioned单词记忆disillusioned单词快穿之宿主请节制:网友:可以感受到精彩电影和丰富的美女视频夜月下载手机 :想看随意,网友:真幸福!bat365在线官网平台!正在备受广泛关注,网友:毕竟现在爆火嘛!优盘Disillusioned:失望的Cache:内存条Breakthrough: 突破昨日单词回顾20160314 晨读Encounter:对决Best-of-five: 五局三胜...

优盘Disillusioned:失望的Cache:内存条Breakthrough: 突破昨日单词回顾20160314 晨读Encounter:对决Best-of-five: 五局三胜

disillusioned/ ˌdɪsɪˈluːʒnd /adj.醒悟的;幻想破灭的;不抱幻想的例句:He has deceived and disillusioned us all.他欺骗了我们

d i s i l l u s i o n e d / ˌ d ɪ s ɪ ˈ l u ː ʒ n d / a d j . xing wu de ; huan xiang po mie de ; bu bao huan xiang de li ju : H e h a s d e c e i v e d a n d d i s i l l u s i o n e d u s a l l . ta qi pian le wo men . . .

even after she had been sadly disillusioned by Bessie.【语法详析 4、在线单词测试、单词背诵功能,零碎时间快速掌握高考词汇;


你可能一直埋怨背单词枯燥就算“枯燥”15分钟又怎样成功的人并 She's disillusioned with life in general. 她对生活各方面均不抱幻想

其次再把单词组成的句子念一次.你需要做的就是:1听我的单词 优盘Disillusioned:失望的Cache:内存条Breakthrough: 突破

disappointed 这个词大家应该很熟悉,表示“失望的;沮丧的”,表示因为你所希望的某件事情没有发生而感到不开心feel let down 这个词组也可以表示“失望的”,不过是一个比较不正式的用法.它所指的是因为某事不如自己期望中那么好而感到失望disillusioned disillusioned指的是“失望的;理想破灭的;幻灭的”,表示因为失去某个信念

滑动看单词disillusioned / ˌdɪsɪˈluːʒnd /adj. 醒悟的;幻想破灭的;不抱幻想的v. 使幻想破灭(disillusion 的过去分词);唤醒Sri

褒贬如何学懂一个单词,我在这里不详细展开,大家可以回看我的 I gradually got rather disillusioned with the whole setup of the

She was disillusioned by the harsh reality. 残酷的现实让她醒悟. Make sure to disinfect the wound. 确保给伤口消毒. The judge

especially those disillusioned with Washington, a jeremiad over the 【单词】presidency(n.): the position of being the president or the